What Not To Do When You Go To Court

What Not To Do When You Go To Court

We are often asked by clients what needs to be done in preparation for court. That you will get from us in person. Someone failed to give a Longmont, Colorado advice on how to prepare.

According to a Colorado ABC News affiliate, a woman appeared in court last week “drunk off her ass” when she was supposed to defend herself against charges for drunk driving. The news source stated that her soused condition wasn’t too noticeable in the courtroom. It was only during a court recess that sheriff’s deputies had found her “schnockered” while she was driving her Toyota sedan to the liquor store.

One of the two arresting officers noted in the police report that the big giveaway was when she hit the curb while trying to turn onto another street. Also, she was swerving quite a bit.

When pulled over, police noticed her voice was “slurred” and was complemented by her “glassy, watery eyes.”

“I could smell the odor of an alcoholic beverage on her breath,” said one officer.

On top of the DUI charge that awaited her back at the courthouse, Rotter is now looking at new charges that include speeding and reckless driving. Depending how the court decides for the last two incidents, these could be Rotter’s third and fourth DUIs in the last two years.

Though one thing she’s got going for her: At least cops didn’t find her with a whiskey bottle between her legs!