Expungements. Anyone can do this, right?

Expungements. Anyone can do this, right?

Many people have found themselves needing to cleanup an arrest or conviction from their record and think, “Oh, this should be easy, I just need to file a few documents with the clerk and my record will be expunged.” There are forms for this, right? Free stuff? LegalZoom! BeALawyer! Expungements-R-Us! Yeah! No. Unfortunately, obtaining an […]

Louisiana Votes to End Non-Unanimous Jury Verdicts

A constitutional amendment to end non-unanimous jury verdicts in Louisiana was approved Tuesday by the state’s voters — a victory for a rare alliance of conservative and progressive organizations that got behind the measure to end a practice with roots in post-Civil War racism. The amendment takes effect Jan. 1, 2019 and will leave Oregon […]

Does Customer Service Matter?

We try hard, very hard to make the best of a bad situation.  Our efforts do not go unnoticed.  Not by our clients.  Not by our clients’ families.  Not by our clients’ employers. How we handle your case matters to us and it matters to the American Institute of Criminal Law Attorneys.  Recently, the organization […]