Why You Will Hate City Court

Lafayette City Court handles as many OWI cases as ...[Read More]

Why I Speak to the Media (But Really Hate to Do So)

Simple answer, my clients. We live in a world of h ...[Read More]

My Ultimate Goal: No Repeat Business

One of the greatest achievements that I can point ...[Read More]

Big D

I call it the Big “D”. The magic word ...[Read More]

Dumb and Dumber in Baton Rouge

One would think that when it comes to the Constitu ...[Read More]

New Bills Before Legislature Seek to Crack Down on OWI’s

Gov. Jindal announced seven new legislative propos ...[Read More]

If Senator Perry Has His Way…

State Senator Jonathan Perry is a good guy.  I hav ...[Read More]

I Am On Camera? Save It For Me, Please!

The supreme court of the State of Illinois sanctio ...[Read More]

Can I Get a Free Sniff?

OK, Franky is good. As a K-9 drug detector dog, he ...[Read More]

I Thought the Legal Limit Was .08

If you are over 21, it is – sort of. Under L ...[Read More]